| |
1,ERR_MISSING_PAGE | The request is incomplete. It contains no information about the context. |
4,ERR_BUTTON_EXPECTED | The request is invalid. The action to perform is missing. |
5,ERR_NO_CURRENT_PAGE | The site did not work properly because no page was returned. |
6,ERR_PARSER | Syntax error in the file |
7,ERR_BAD_ACTION | The special action named <ACTIONNAME> is unknown. |
8,ERR_NO_PAGE | You want to work on the <PAGE_NAME> page. It does not exist or it is hidden... |
9,ERR_BAD_PARAMETER | The <COMMAND_NAME> command does not contain the proper parameters. |
10,ERR_BAD_FILE | The <FILE_NAME> file cannot be opened (and therefore returned) |
11,ERR_WDADMIN_EXIST | The WEBDEV administrator was already started. A single one is allowed on each computer. |
12,ERR_NO_WDADMIN | The management program of WEBDEV was not started. |
13,ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY | Insufficient memory to perform the operation.| |
14,ERR_MAX_CONNECTION | The connection is refused because the maximum number of connections (<NB_CONNECTION>) has been reached. Retry later. |
15,ERR_BAD_COMMANDLINE | The command line passed to the engine is invalid... |
17,ERR_BAD_CONFIG | The configuration of the <APPLICATION_NAME> site is incorrect for the <VALUE_NAME> value |
18,ERR_BAD_WEBDEV_CONFIG | Wrong overall WEBDEV configuration. The <KEY_NAME> key is missing or invalid. |
19,ERR_BAD_CONTEXT | The context to which this request refers (<CONTEXT_NAME>) does not exist (or does not exist anymore). You may have been disconnected. |
20,ERR_BAD_URL | The <URL_NAME> URL is not valid. |
22,ERR_TIMEOUT_REQUEST | The request did not answer within the timeout (<TIMEOUT> seconds)." |
23,ERR_SESSION_CLOSED | You have been logged out. |
24,ERR_CLOSED_PAGE | The request refers to the <PAGE_NAME> page that does not exist anymore. (it may have been closed by the process). |
25,ERR_MSG_BOX | The application has generated the following error message:... |
26,ERR_BAD_SERIAL_NUMBER | The serial number is invalid. |
28,ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE | The HTML file named <FILE_NAME> cannot be opened. |
30,ERR_NO_PROJECT | The <PROJECT_NAME> project does not exist (neither in WWP nor in WDL). Check the configuration for this project. |
32,ERR_NO_APPLICATION | The <NOM_APPLICATION> site is unknown: it has not been configured for WEBDEV. |
33,ERR_BAD_DLLEXE | The <DLL_NAME> DLL is not compatible with this WEBDEV version. |
34,ERR_NO_DLLEXE | Unable to load the <DLL_NAME> DLL. |
35,ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCH | The engine was not started for the following reason:... |
37,ERR_NO_TABLE | The <COMMAND_NAME> command only operates wit the tables and <CONTROL_NAME> is not a table. |
38,ERR_ALREADYCONNECTED | The connection is refused because you are already connected to this application. ... |
39,ERR_NOTACTIVATED | The module has not been enabled. It must be reinstalled |
40,ERR_NOTAVAILABLE | This command is available in development mode only |
41,ERR_NOTADEVVERSION | This version cannot be used in development |
42,ERR_LOADMOREDLL | The user component cannot be loaded |
43,ERR_TIMEOUTINIT | The engine was not initialized within the timeout. |
46,ERR_UPDATING_SERVER | The server is currently updated. Retry later. |
47,ERR_TEST_WWP | The test mode cannot operate without the project and its pages |
48,ERR_SYNCHRONIZATION | The requested action could not be performed: the page was not in phase. |
49,ERR_BAD_APPLICATION | The site is not allowed to be used with this version of WEBDEV |
50,ERR_NO_END_TAG | Syntax error in the <FILE_NAME> file. The end tag for the <NAME_HTML_TAG> tag is missing |
51, ERR_LAUNCH_FAILED | Error while starting the site |
52, ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_TMP | Unable to create temporary file ... Test aborted. |
53, ERR_CANNOT_RUN_EXPLORER | Unable to launch site associated with .htm, File: %s, Code: %d |
54, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_INVALID | The context to which this request refers (%d) is unknown. . <BR>The server may have been restarted since your last request. |
55, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_INTERNAL | Internal error: Invalid context (%d). (status = %d) |
56, ERR_DISCONNECTED_BY_ADMIN | You have been manually disconnected by the WEBDEV administrator. {RECONNECT} |
57, ERR_DISCONNECTED_TIMEOUT | You have been disconnected because your last request is too old (timeout = %d sec) {RECONNECT} |
58, ERR_DISCONNECTED_RELOG | The context to which this request refers is not valid anymore, it was replaced with a new context during your last connection to the site {RECONNECT} |
59, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_FOUND | The context to which this request refers (%d) is invalid (your session ended for an unknown reason). {RECONNECT} |
60, ERR_DISCONNECTED_ERROR | This session was ended further to the following error: |
61, ERR_DISCONNECTED_EXEC | The session does not exist anymore<BR> (you have exited from it or it was ended normally') {RECONNECT} |
62, ERR_BAD_VERSION_RQS | Invalid version number of dialog structure.<BR>This problem comes from a mix of incompatible versions of WD300Session/WD300Awp/WD300Admin.<BR> To correct it, re-install WEBDEV |
63, ERR_DISCONNECTED_UPDATE | You have been disconnected because the site was updated on the server. {RECONNECT} |
64, ERR_FORBIDDEN_UPDATE | WEBDEV is configured to forbid the remote update. |
65, ERR_FORBIDDEN_INSTALL | WEBDEV is configured to forbid the remote setup. |