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Ayuda / Conectores Nativos/Accesos Nativos / Conector Nativo DB2
  • Overview
  • Importing the structure of files
  • The import steps
  • Taking into account the evolution of the DB2 database
  • Programming
  • 1. Opening the connection
  • 2. Execution of queries
  • 3. Result recovery
  • 4. Closing the connection
  • Optimizing HFSQL functions
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
AndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Procedimientos almacenados
To use a DB2 database with Native Connector (also called "Native Access"), the structure of DB2 tables must be imported into the WINDEV or WEBDEV analysis.
Differences compared to SQL programming: The queries are not required to handle the DB2 data. Indeed, the HFSQL functions can be directly used to read data, perform searches, implement filters, ... However, the structure of DB2 files must be imported into the WINDEV or WEBDEV analysis.
Importing the structure of files

The import steps

  1. Start the data model editor: click Load project analysis in the quick access buttons.
  2. On the "Análisis" tab, in the "Creación" group, expand "Importar" and select "Import file/table descriptions...".
  3. The wizard starts. A connection to the DB2 database is automatically established and it is associated with the files imported into the analysis. This connection will have to be used to handle the DB2 data file through programming.
In the different steps of the wizard, choose the following options:
  • Type of database: DB2.
  • Characteristics of the connection: Data server, User and password, database.
  • The application will access the data in the current format.
  • When the connection is established, all you have to do is select the tables that will be imported into the WINDEV or WEBDEV analysis. These tables can be handled through programming with the HFSQL functions of WLanguage. These tables will be displayed in blue in the data model editor.

Taking into account the evolution of the DB2 database

To take into account the evolutions of the tables imported into the data model editor, go to the "Análisis" tab, "Análisis" group, expand "Sincronización " and select "Update analysis from external databases".
A wizard starts, allowing you to:
  • analyze the differences for the imported tables,
  • analyze the differences for all the DB2 tables.

1. Opening the connection

To open the connection to the DB2 database, use HOpenConnection and specify the name of the connection to open. The connection name was defined when importing the structure of files into the analysis.
To modify some parameters of this connection (username or password for example), call HConnect.
Remark: If you try to read the file directly (HReadFirst, ...), the connection associated with the file description in the analysis will be automatically opened.

2. Execution of queries

HExecuteQuery and HExecuteSQLQuery are used to run queries on the current database.
  • HExecuteQuery: is used to run a preset query with the query editor.
  • HExecuteSQLQuery: is used to run a query by specifying the SQL code of query and the name that will be assigned to this SQL code.
// Initialisation de la requête "Client_84"
HExecuteQuery(CLIENT_84, "BaseDB2", hQueryWithoutCorrection)
HExecuteSQLQuery(ReqClient, "BaseDB2", hQueryWithoutCorrection, ...

3. Result recovery

The result is read by standard read functions: HReadFirst, HReadNext, HReadSeek, ...

4. Closing the connection

HCloseConnection is used to close the connection to the database once all the necessary queries have been run.

Optimizing HFSQL functions

  • The "Browsing table" controls based on queries are optimized: the content of the Table control can be sorted by clicking one of its columns.
  • To avoid re-running the same query several times when browsing its result, we advise you to use the hNoRefresh constant (if the data is modified by a single computer for example).
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 05/06/2024

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