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Ayuda / Conectores Nativos/Accesos Nativos / Conector Nativo SQL Server
  • Overview
  • Use
  • Using Native SQL Server Connector in your WINDEV applications or WEBDEV websites
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WINDEV and WEBDEV offer an optional Native SQL Server Connector (also called Native SQL Server Access). This Native Connector supports versions 7, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019 and 2022 as well as the Express versions of the SQL Server. This Native Connector also manages access to SQL Azure databases.
This Native Connector allows you to access an SQL SERVER database from a WLanguage program without using any external driver.
The Native SQL Server Connector offers several modes of use:
SQL Server via OLE DBSQL Server via ODBC
The Native SQL Server Connector is used to access the client library via OLE DB.
This method allows you to use the different client libraries proposed by Microsoft:
  • MSOLEDBSQL (recommended)
  • SQLnCli 11: Client library for SQL Server 2012.
  • SQLnCli 10: Client library for SQL Server 2008.
  • SQLnCli: Client library for SQL Server 2005. It is more powerful than SQLOLEDB but needs to be installed on user computers.
  • SQLOLEDB: Client library delivered as of SQL Server 2000. It can be found in Microsoft operating systems from Windows XP.
This method is available in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
The Native SQL Server Connector is used to access the client library via ODBC.
This method allows you to use the different client libraries proposed by Microsoft:
  • msodbcsql17 (recommended)
  • msodbcsql13
  • SQLnCli 11
  • SQLnCli 10: Client library for SQL Server 2008. From this version, it is possible to use the new TIME and DATE types for example (new features in version 17).
  • SQLnCli: Client library for SQL Server 2005. It is more powerful than SQLOLEDB but needs to be installed on user computers.

This method is available for Windows in 32- and 64-bit versions, and for Linux in 64-bit version.
In 32-bit versions, wd300sqlserver.dll is required for this mode of use of the Native Connector via OLE DB.
In 64-bit versions, wd300sqlserver64.dll is required for this mode of use of the Native Connector via OLE DB.
In 32-bit versions, wd300sqlserver2.dll is required for this mode of use of the Native Connector via OBDC.
In 64-bit versions, wd300sqlserver2_64.dll is required for this mode of use of the Native Connector via ODBC.

Note: This documentation is common to both modes of use of the Native Connector.. Different actions or behavior are indicated when necessary.
Here are some of the many advantages of using Native SQL Server Connector:
  • The HReadxxx functions (HReadNext, HModify, ...) can be used on the SQL Server databases. Which means that an SQL Server database and an HFSQL database are handled by the same commands. Porting an existing application to external databases is simplified.
  • The RAD allows you to generate the code with the Hxxx functions (HReadNext, ...) or with the SQLxxx functions.
  • WDMap (the data viewer) can be used with your SQL Server databases.
  • Support of SQL Server databases in all versions (from version 7).
  • Better performance compared to an access via ODBC, for example.
  • The Native Connector is used to exploit an important number of features (stored procedures, HPrepareSQLQuery, ...)
  • etc.
The use of this Native Connector is highly recommended when developing Client/Server applications (that access SQL Server databases) with WINDEV or WEBDEV. Feel free to contact us for any additional information.
Note: If you do not have the Native SQL Server Connector, please contact the PC SOFT sales department..

Using Native SQL Server Connector in your WINDEV applications or WEBDEV websites

To use SQL Server in native mode, you must:
  • The version of the Native Connector can be chosen via the H.SQLServerMode variable.
  • The version of the SQL SERVER client library can be chosen with the "WD CLIENT VERSION" keyword (specified in the optional connection information).
  • Don't forget to read the limitations of the Native SQL Server Connector.
  • To deploy sites that use the Native SQL Server Connector, the latter must be installed on the server (WEBDEV Application Server).
  • The option "Automatically create the data files if they do not exist" (found in the "Files" tab of project description) is taken into account by Native SQL Server Connector.
  • The Msoledbsql driver for SQL Server is supported by the SQL Server Native Connector.
  • Thread error handling: When a call is made to the SQL Server Native Connector from a thread, it is possible to manage errors in a normal way.
  • The Native SQL Server Connector supports UUIDs.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 14/09/2024

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