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Ayuda / Editores / Editor de proyectos
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Including the "?" menu automatically
  • Options proposed by the "?" menu
  • Modifying the options proposed by the "?" menu
  • Deleting the "?" menu
  • "?" menu and User Groupware
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WINDEV proposes a help menu adapted to your applications. This menu allows the users to easily access several features.
This menu is automatically included at the end of the main menu of your application.
For example:
Remark: The "?" menu is also automatically proposed in the window's system context menu (option "?").
How to?

Including the "?" menu automatically

To automatically include the "?" menu:
  1. Open the window into which the "?" menu must be added.
    This window must include a main menu. For more details, see Main menu of a window.
  2. On the "Ventana" tab, in the "Barras y menús" group, expand "Menú principal" and select "Add the '?' menu". The help menu creation wizard starts.
    Proceed to the next step of the wizard.
  3. Select the options that will be proposed by the "?" menu:
  4. Answer the questions and close the wizard.
    The "?" menu automatically adds the internal window named "IW_MenuHWinDevHelp" into your application. The context menu of this window corresponds to the "?" menu. To display this context menu, click "?" in the window menu and select "Open the '?' menu".
Note: If the WDRules component has been integrated into your project, it can be removed.

Options proposed by the "?" menu

The "?" menu proposes the following options:
  • Nuevo en la versión: displays the list of changes made to the current version. This list was specified when creating the client version of application. For more details, see Letting users know about changes.
  • Ayuda de la aplicación: launches help (in HLP or CHM format) for your application. This help file can be automatically created by WINDEV.
    Select the help file to display or choose to automatically generate the help for the application.
  • Ayuda de las AAF (Funcionalidades Automáticas de la Aplicación): launches the Automation Features Help for your Applications (in PDF format). This document allows the users to become familiar with the automatic features proposed in the WINDEV applications. This PDF file is also available in the "Help" subdirectory of the WINDEV installation directory and it can be modified if necessary.
    This option automatically adds the "CCMenu" component into the application. This option uses a procedure from this component to operate.
  • ¿Sabía que...: displays a "Tip of the day" window.
    This window presents different tips for using a WINDEV application. These tips correspond to the different AAFs (Automatic Application Features) available in WINDEV. These tips are also started by default when the application is started.
    For more details, see Managing the "Did you know" feature.
    This option automatically adds the "TipOfTheDay" component into the application. This option uses a procedure from this component to operate.
  • Herramienta de replicación: launches universal assisted replication tool (ReplicSynchro). This option is recommended only if the assisted universal replication was implemented in the application.
    This option automatically adds the "CCMenu" component into the application. This option uses a procedure from this component to operate.
  • Activar depuración remota: for remote application debugging. This option is used to start WDDebug on the user computer. Therefore, the user can allow the remote debugging of the application. This option automatically adds the "CCMenu" component into the application. This option uses a procedure from this component to operate.
  • Activar auditoría de ejecución: starts the recording of an execution audit report containing asserts, errors, memory occupancy... This option saves the various elements collected in a ".waudit" file, which can then be processed by the application developer.
  • Crear una imagen del uso de memoria : saves the application state in memory in a ".wmem" file which can be opened later by the application developer.
  • Crear o editar un reporte...: calls Reports & Queries to create or customize an application state. If Report & Queries is not installed on the current computer, a window allows the user to download this software or to install it from a specific location.
  • Crear, modificar una consulta....: launches Reports & Queries to create or customize an application query. If Report & Queries is not installed on the current computer, a window allows the user to download this software or to install it from a specific location.
  • Enviar comentarios, notificar incidentes, crear una regla de negocio...: opens a wizard enabling the user to send an email to the application developer to report any malfunctions encountered, make suggestions and suggest operating procedures.. The problems, the suggestions and the business rules can be retrieved by the Project Management Hub and/or by the Business Rules pane.
    This option automatically adds:
    • the "Feedback" component in the application.
    • the project corresponding to the current WINDEV application into the Project Management Hub.
      Enter an email address to receive this information.
      For more details on this option, see Managing the user feedback.
  • Consultar solicitudes enviadas: displays all suggestions, malfunctions and business rules sent by the current user. Depending on the filter used, the requests correspond to the current application, to some applications or to all the applications.
    This option can be selected only if the previous option is selected. For more details, see Managing the user feedback.
  • Actualizar aplicación: to update the application (a network installation of the application is required). This update can be performed via the local network or via a Web page.
    This option automatically adds the "CCMenu" component into the application. This option uses a procedure from this component to operate.
  • Restaurar una versión de la aplicación....: to return to an earlier version of the application. If a problem occurs, this choice allows you to go back to an earlier version that operates properly. To use this option, the application must be in network setup and the history of versions must be enabled.
  • Licencia de uso: displays application license (in Text, HLP or CHM format).
    This option automatically adds the "CCMenu" component into the application. Indeed, this option uses a procedure of this component to operate. The license file used is the one defined when generating the setup procedure of the application.
  • Registrar producto...: opens an independent web page to manage license registration.
    Enter the name of the Web page to start.
  • Acerca de: opens the application's "About" window. This window can be automatically created by WINDEV.
    Select the window to display or choose to automatically generate an "About" window. To automatically generate this window, select its different characteristics. For more details, see About window.

Modifying the options proposed by the "?" menu

To modify the options proposed by the "?" menu:
  1. Open the window containing the "?" menu.
  2. Click "?".
  3. To modify:
    • the options proposed by default:
      select "Wizard for editing the '?' menu" and make the desired changes.
      Alternatively, you can use the ribbon: under the "Ventana" pane, in the "Barras y menús" group, pull down "Menú principal" and select "Assisted editing from the '?' menu".
    • the style, the code and the position of the options, or to add new custom options:
      select "Open the '?' menu" and use the context menu of the option to modify (right mouse click).
      Alternatively, you can use the ribbon: under the "Ventana" pane, in the "Barras y menús" group, pull down "Menú principal" and select "Open '?' menu".

Deleting the "?" menu

To delete the "?" menu:
  1. Open the window containing the "?" menu.
  2. Right-click to open the context menu of the "?" option and select "Delete".
  3. Delete the internal window named "IW_MenuHWINDEVHelp" from the application (for example, select "Delete from disk" in the context menu, in the "Project explorer" pane).
  4. Delete (if necessary) the components used by the menu:
    • the "CCMenu" component.
    • the "Feedback" component.
    • the "TipOfTheDay" component.
These components can be deleted in the "Project explorer" pane ; to do so, select "Delete" in the context menu of the component.

"?" menu and User Groupware

Some options of the automatic menu can be accessed by the supervisor only (they are grayed if the user is not the supervisor). These options are as follows:
  • Optimize access speed to the database.
  • Save data.
  • Save application.
  • Repair the database.
To allow a non-supervisor user to access these options, modify the rights of the internal window named IW_MenuHWinDevHelp that contains the context menu.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 10
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Última modificación: 30/09/2024

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