Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Controles, páginas y ventanas / Funciones de búsqueda
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Stored procedures
Highlights, in a window or control, all the captions and texts corresponding to a given text.
// Whenever EDT_Search is modified
ControlFindHighlight(WIN_Search, EDT_Search)
<Result> = ControlFindHighlight(<Element> , <Searched text> [, <Search options> [, <Highlight color>]])
<Result>: Integer
  • Number of occurrences found in the control or window.
  • 0 if no element contains the searched text.
<Element>: Character string
Name of element where the search will be performed. This element can correspond to:
  • a window name. The search is performed in the caption of controls, the text of buttons, the text of edit controls, the text of table rows, ... The search is performed in all the visible controls that have no invisible parent.
  • a control name. If this element corresponds to a Ribbon control, the search is performed in all ribbon controls.
<Searched text>: Character string
  • Text that must be found in the specified element.
  • "" (empty string) to cancel the search.
<Search options>: Optional Integer constant
Indicates the search options:
IgnoreCaseCase and accent insensitive search (ignores uppercase/lowercase differences)
WholeWordSearches for a whole word (between punctuation characters or spaces)
0Search while taking the case into account (uppercase/lowercase characters) on a text "contained in".

No option is selected by default: the search is sensitive to the case and it is performed on incomplete words.
<Highlight color>: Integer or constant (optional)
Color used to highlight the occurrences found. This color can correspond to:
Remark: The color used by default is light yellow.
  • A single search can be performed at a given time in a control or in a window.
  • The search is not performed in the following controls:
    • HTML control and edit control in HTML format.
    • ActiveX control.
    • Zone not displayed in the Looper controls, List Box controls, Table controls.
    • List, table or popup displayed by the combo boxes.
Component: wd290obj.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 18
Exemplo Controlfindhighlight

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De matos
04 12 2016

Última modificación: 26/05/2022

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