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Modifies the parameters of a report found in a group of reports.
// Préparation d'un groupe d'états
nIndice is int = iGroupeAjoute(ETAT_CA_Annee_A4_Portrait, 2012)
iGroupConfigure(nIndice, "Statistiques 2012 - Portrait", "stat2012.png")
nIndice = iGroupAdd(ETAT_CA_Annee_A4_Portrait, 2011)
iGroupConfigure(nIndice, "Statistiques 2011 - Portrait", "stat2011.png")

Modifying the parameters of a report identified by its name Ocultar los detalles

iGroupConfigure(<Report name> , <Caption> [, <Image>])
<Report name>: Character string
Name of the report to be used. This report was added into the group by iGroupAdd.
<Caption>: Character string
Caption associated with the specified report. This caption will be displayed in the combo box presenting the reports of the group.
<Image>: Character string
Name of the image associated with the report. This image will be displayed in the combo box presenting the group reports. This image can correspond to an image found in the library of the application or to the full path of an image file.
Note: We recommend using a 48 X 48 pixel image.. If a bigger image is used, it will be proportionally resized.
Note: it is not possible to use a variable of type Image.

Modifying the parameters of a report identified by its index in the group Ocultar los detalles

iGroupConfigure(<Report index> , <Caption> [, <Image>])
<Report index>: Integer
Index of the report to use. This index was returned by iGroupAdd when the report was added to the group.
<Caption>: Character string
Caption associated with the specified report. This caption will be displayed in the combo box presenting the reports of the group.
<Image>: Character string
Name of the image associated with the report. This image will be displayed in the combo box presenting the group reports. This image can correspond to an image found in the library of the application or to the full path of an image file.
Note: We recommend using a 48 X 48 pixel image.. If a bigger image is used, it will be proportionally resized.
Note: it is not possible to use a variable of type Image.
Componente: wd300etat.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 18
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Última modificación: 21/09/2024

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