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Procedimientos almacenados
<Source>.SetMemo (Función)
ODBCNo disponible con este tipo de conexión
Used to modify the management mode of memo items. You have the ability to manage all the memos of a data file or a specific memo item of a data file. The management of memos is enabled by default.
Hyper File 5.5 Memos can only be managed at data file level: it is not possible to manage memos at item level.
OLE DB When <Source>.SetMemo is called, all started iterations are closed. The filter and search criteria are kept.
// Désactive la gestion des mémos sur les observations du fichier de données Client
Client.GèreMémo(Rub_Observations, hMemoNo)
<Result> = <Source>.SetMemo([<Memo item>, ] <Management mode>)
<Result>: Entero
Old memo management mode used (before calling <Source>.SetMemo).
(default value)
The memos are read during the access to the item.
hMemoNoNo management of memos (no read or write operation will be performed on the data file or in the specified item).
hMemoYesThe text memos are read whenever the record is read.
The binary memos are read during the access to the item.
<Source>: Tipo de fuente especificada
Name of the data file used.
<Memo item>: Cadena de caracteres opcional
Name of the memo item to manage or not.
If this name is not specified or if it is equal to "*", all the memo items are taken into account.
Hyper File 5.5 Memos can only be managed at data file level: it is not possible to manage memos at item level.
<Management mode>: Constante de tipo Integer
Management mode of the memo items:
(default value)
The memos are read during the access to the item.
hMemoNoNo management of memos (no read or write operation will be performed on the data file or in the specified item).
hMemoYesThe text memos are read whenever the record is read.
The binary memos are read during the access to the item.

OLE DB The hMemoAuto constant is equivalent to the hMemoYes constant.
Componente: wd300hf.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 25
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Última modificación: 26/09/2024

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