<Source>.SetMemo (Función)
No disponible con este tipo de conexión
Used to modify the management mode of memo items. You have the ability to manage all the memos of a data file or a specific memo item of a data file. The management of memos is enabled by default.
Client.GèreMémo(Rub_Observations, hMemoNo)
<Result> = <Source>.SetMemo([<Memo item>, ] <Management mode>)
<Result>: Entero Old memo management mode used (before calling <Source>.SetMemo). | | hMemoAuto (default value) | The memos are read during the access to the item. | hMemoNo | No management of memos (no read or write operation will be performed on the data file or in the specified item). | hMemoYes | The text memos are read whenever the record is read. The binary memos are read during the access to the item. |
<Source>: Tipo de fuente especificada Name of the data file used. <Memo item>: Cadena de caracteres opcional Name of the memo item to manage or not. If this name is not specified or if it is equal to "*", all the memo items are taken into account.
<Management mode>: Constante de tipo Integer Management mode of the memo items: | | hMemoAuto (default value) | The memos are read during the access to the item. | hMemoNo | No management of memos (no read or write operation will be performed on the data file or in the specified item). | hMemoYes | The text memos are read whenever the record is read. The binary memos are read during the access to the item. |
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