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  • Combining fonts
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Procedimientos almacenados
Selects the default font. This font will be used by iPrint, iPrintWord, iTextWidth, iTextHeight, etc.
  • This font must have been created by iCreateFont.
  • This font is active as long as iFont is not used again.
  • Linux Only TrueType fonts are managed.
Linux Caution: Using this function under Linux requires a specific configuration.. For more details, see Print in Linux.
iPrintWord(iFont(2) + CU.LastName + iXPos(200) + CU.Firstname)
iPrint(iFont(1) + iXPos(100) + CU.Company)

Using a dynamic font Ocultar los detalles

<Result> = iFont(<Font name> [, <Immediate calculation>])
<Result>: Character string
Control string describing the use of the specified font.
<Font name>: Font
Name of default font to use. This parameter corresponds to a Font variable. The font characteristics have been defined with FontCreate or via the font properties.
Linux Only TrueType fonts are managed.
<Immediate calculation>: Optional boolean
Specifies whether the fonts must be selected immediately (True by default) or only when printing (False, if fonts must be combined, for example). For more details, see remarks.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Código ServidorReportes y ConsultasAndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadJavaCódigo de Usuario (UMC)Ajax

Using a font created by iCreateFont (5.5-compatible syntax) Ocultar los detalles

<Result> = iFont(<Font number> [, <Immediate calculation>])
<Result>: Character string
Control string describing the use of the specified font.
<Font number>: Integer
Identifier of font used by default. This identifier was specified when the font was created by iCreateFont.
Linux Only TrueType fonts are managed.
<Immediate calculation>: Optional boolean
Specifies whether the fonts must be selected immediately (True by default) or only when printing (False, if fonts must be combined, for example). For more details, see remarks.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Código ServidorReportes y ConsultasAndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadJavaCódigo de Usuario (UMC)Ajax

Combining fonts

Unexpected results may occur when combining fonts. For example, the following code:
iPrint("First Part" + iFont(1) + "Second Part")
is not equivalent to:
iPrint(iFont(2) + "First Part" + iFont(1) + "Second Part")
In the first case, the entire character string will be printed in font 1. In this case, function iFont(1) is executed when the string to be printed is constructed, and therefore before the "First part" string is printed.
To obtain the same result, simply use (in the first syntax) function iFont with parameter Faux: function iFont(2, False) will only be actually executed during printing.
Componente: wd300prn.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 30/09/2024

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