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  • Lightness of black color
  • Miscellaneous
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AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Prints a border at specified coordinates.
Remark: The origin (0,0) is located in the upper-left corner of the sheet. It takes the physical margins of the printer into account.
iPrint(iXPos(50) + CU.CUSTNAME)
// Encloses the text in a line equal to 2 Pica point
// The border background is 50% gray
iBorder(0, 0, iPageWidth(), 10, 2, 50)
iBorder(<X1> , <Y1> , <X2> , <Y2> [, <Thickness> [, <Fill> [, <Color> [, <Line> [, <Brush> [, <Border>]]]]]])
<X1>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the border (in millimeters). This corner defines the external side of the border.
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y1>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the border (in millimeters). This corner defines the external side of the border.
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<X2>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the lower-right corner of the border (in millimeters). This corner defines the external side of the border.
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y2>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the lower-right corner of the border (in millimeters). This corner defines the external side of the border.
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<Thickness>: Optional real
Thickness of border line (in picas). Default value = 1 (one Pica = 0.353 mm).

Caution: Depending on the value of this parameter, the thickness is achieved by adding several lines next to each others from the outside to the inside.

AndroidAndroid Widget Java This parameter must correspond to an integer value. Otherwise, the thickness will be rounded to the nearest integer value.
<Fill>: Optional integer (included between 1 and 200)
Rate for the line color and for the background color. If this parameter is:
  • Equal to 0 (default value): no fill.
  • Equal to 100: entirely filled with the specified color.
  • Less than 100: the closer this parameter is to 0, the more the color brightens.
  • Greater than 100: the closer this parameter is to 200, the more the color darkens.
<Color>: Optional integer
Color used for the background and for the border. If this parameter is not specified, the color used is black.
This color can correspond to:
<Line>: Optional integer constant
Type of line.
(Default value)
Solid line
iDashedDashed line (-----)
iDotAndDashDot-and-dash line (-.-.)
iDottedDotted line (....)
<Brush>: Optional integer constant
Pattern used to fill the border.
iCrossedCrossed lines.
iDiagonalCrossedDiagonal crossed lines.
iDownwardDiagonalDescending diagonal lines.
iHorizontalHorizontal lines.
(default value)
Entire fill.
iUpwardDiagonalAscending diagonal lines.
iVerticalVertical lines
AndroidAndroid Widget Java This parameter is ignored.
<Border>: Optional integer constant
Sides of the border to draw:
(Default value)
All the border sides are drawn
iBorderBottomThe bottom side is drawn.
iBorderLeftThe left side is drawn
iBorderNoneThe border has no side
iBorderRightThe right side is drawn
iBorderTopThe top side is drawn

Lightness of black color

For the black color, the rate corresponds to a rate of gray whose values are included between 1 (white) and 100 (solid black). In this case, the values greater than 100 will be processed like the value 100.


  • The cursor position is not modified when the outline is drawn.
  • The dotted type (iDotted) or the mixed type (iDotAndDash) combined with a thick border may produce unpleasant effects.
Component: wd290prn.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
Exemplo iborder
IF CBOX_gerar_pdf=True THEN


//Lado Esquerdo
//Cor Fundo

iPrint("Empresa Matos informatica Ltda "+CR+"Relatorio Bancos"+CR)
iHLine(0, iPageWidth())
iPrint(iXPos(1) + "Codigo" + iXPos(18) +"Nome")
FOR EACH bancos
iPrint(iXPos(1)+ NumToString(bancos.id_bancos,"06d") + iXPos(18) + bancos.nome)

// Blog com Video e Exemplo



De matos
04 12 2016

Última modificación: 21/06/2023

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