- Displaying a site inside a frame
Opens a web page identified by its URL in a new browser.
PageName is string = FolderWeb() + "page.html"
BrowserOpen(PageName, "NOUVNAV", ONResizable + ONScrollBar, 500, 400)
<Result> = BrowserOpen(<Page address> [, <Name of the window> [, <Options> [, <Width> [, <Height> [, <Horizontal position> [, <Vertical position> [, <JavaScript parameters>]]]]]]])
<Result>: Integer Identifier of the browser window opened. This identifier can be used by BrowserClose to close this browser window.Note: This identifier corresponds to a Javascript object that can only be used with the BrowserClose function.. Its value cannot be viewed like a standard integer. <Page address>: Character string URL address of the page that must be displayed in the new browser window. If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), a blank page is opened ("about:blank"). <Name of the window>: Optional character string Name of the new browser window. This parameter allows you to redisplay a page in a browser window with the same name (if several browser windows are opened on the computer of the web user).This parameter can also correspond to a frame or to the alias of an iFrame control. this parameter can also correspond to the string "_self".. In this case, the page will be opened in the current browser tab.. <Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants) Parameters of the new browser window: | | ONFull (Default value) | The window of the new browser will include all the options (equivalent to the combination of all constants). | ONLink | The link bar will be displayed. | ONLocation | The address bar will be displayed. | ONMenuBar | The menu bar will be displayed. | ONResizable | The window of the new browser will be resizable. | ONSatusBar | The status bar will be displayed. | ONScrollbar | The scrollbars will be displayed. | ONSimple | The window of the new browser will be a simple window (no combination of constants). | ONToolbar | The toolbar will be displayed. |
<Width>: Optional integer Width (in pixels) of the new browser window. Can correspond to the Default constant. <Height>: Optional integer Height in pixels of the new browser window. Can correspond to the Default constant. <Horizontal position>: Optional integer Horizontal position (in pixels) of the new browser window in relation to the upper-left corner of the main screen. Can correspond to the Default constant. <Vertical position>: Optional integer Vertical position in pixels of the new browser window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen. Can correspond to the Default constant. <JavaScript parameters>: Optional character string Other JavaScript parameters that must be used when opening a new browser if <Target> is set to "_blank". Observaciones Displaying a site inside a frame To display an Internet site in a frame of a WEBDEV website, use the following code: BrowserOpen("http://www.windev.com", <FRAMENAME>) where <FRAMENAME> is the name of the frame where the site must be displayed.