- Accepting (or not) the return address
- Server IP address
- Pre-launched sessions
BrowserIPAddress (Function) Returns the IP address of the client computer connected to the WEBDEV website. Remark: If the Web user is behind a router, the IP address will be the one of the router. // Returns the IP address of the Web user sClientAddress is string = BrowserIPAddress()
<Result> = BrowserIPAddress([<Accept return address>])
<Result>: Character string IP address of the computer of the Web user: - in IPv4 format: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. For example:
- in IPv6 format: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
<Accept return address>: Optional boolean - True to accept the initial address specified in the HTTP header,
- False (default) to refuse this address. In this last case, the IP address is retrieved in the environment variable (REMOTE_ADDR) defined by the Web server.
By default, the address specified in the HTTP header is rejected for security reasons.
Observaciones Pre-launched sessions If your project uses pre-launched sessions, this function must not be used in the project initialization event. This function must be used in the "Initialization in pre-launched session mode" event. Clasificación Lógica de negocio / UI: Código neutro Componente: wd300page.dll