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See the 929 new features (PDF)

Take advantage of the 215 new common features in version 2024
WINDEV Mobile 2024 naturally benefits from the majority of the 215 common new features offered by version 2024, in particular: new business logic Fields, improved speed, Interactive Guided Tour, Figma import, the environement and code editor upgrades, new signatures, Docusign, new WLanguage features, HFSQL upgrades including spatial data, etc..
Of course, WINDEV Mobile 2024 also benefits from many new features specific to the mobile world. Learn more in the following pages.
New window option: low sliding
WINDEV Mobile 2024 features a new window display mode: low sliding" mode. This window opens from the bottom of the screen.
This mode allows you to display a minimum of information in the window, and to expand the window (upwards) if necessary, for example to display more detailed information, or to allow inputs.
For more details, see Bottom sliding window (Bottom sheet).
3 sizes: summary view, medium view, maximum view
The bottom sliding window has 3 possible sizes. Each size can be configured.
The window can be resized by the user, or by programming, according to the 3 sizes:
  • Collapsed: small window.
  • Half-expanded: medium window.
  • Expanded: full-size window, with all the content.
For more details, see Bottom sliding window (Bottom sheet).
How to create a low sliding window
The creation of a low sliding window uses the concept of "internal windows"..
To enable growth of this internal window, 2 methods are available to choose from:
  • anchors, for simple cases,
  • fittings, for sophisticated UI s: with additional fields, etc.
A "low sliding" window offers 3 options:
  • modal window or not: the user can continue to interact with the main window,
  • automatic window (dismiss): a sill in the main window folds or closes the sliding window,
  • UI side, window corners can be rounded.
The new WLanguage function WinSlidingVisible and the keyword MyLowSlidingWindow are available.
For more details, see Bottom sliding window (Bottom sheet).
Mobile: dynamic content management made easy with flexboxes
In addition to managing dynamic window content, an additional constraint on mobile devices is the need to adapt UI to different screen sizes and definitions..
The control Flexbox mobile solves this problem with ease and precision.
Flexbox: standard operation
The operation of flexbox on cell phones is identical to that of WINDEV and WEBDEV.
Figma recovery
The transformation of Figma models into WINDEV Mobile windows is also available in version 2024..
For more details, see Import an Document Figma.
control Mobile table: container column
In version 2024, Table control mobile windows can include container columns.
New Cell control on mobile
Cell control is now available in WINDEV Mobile.
This control allows control s to be grouped together, making it possible to use the control as a single control:
  • move under the editor,
  • placement in a flexbox,
  • programming,
  • decor,
  • etc
  • TreeView Table: you can define a column overhead.
2 new business logic fields for WINDEV Mobile 2024
2 new Smart controls are available in WINDEV Mobile 2024:
  • Sliding cards,
  • Numeric input with Slider.
New Smart control scrolling cards
The business logic "Scrolling Maps" field lets you scroll "maps" with your finger..
In this case, a card is a set of fields that can be fully customized..
New Smart control: digital capture with Slider
The Field business logic "Numerical input with Slider " is available on mobile.
The end user moves a cursor to vary the value.
Terminals and pitch can be parameterized.
Direct input into control is still possible.
Suitable for touch use.
Mobile guided tour
In version 2024, it is possible to create a Guided Tour for cell phones..
Your applications become easier to use.
For more details, see Guided Tour.
A panoply of looks
Many different looks are available to create a Guided Tour: more possibilities.
And you can create your own.
For more details, see Guided Tour.
Transition to mobile devices made easier
Transforming your existing WINDEV applications (or parts of applications) into iOS and Android applications is easier than ever before.
The integration of the WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile environments allows developers to easily share project elements.
The conversion wizard has been improved and is even more precise.
Long press on an application Icon: displays a menu
Long press on an application Icon displays a menu.
In version 2024, you can now add your own programmable options: wording and Procedure to call.
It's now possible to call up an app feature directly from the Icon on the home screen.. For example, send a pre-established message to a designated Contact.
A new WLanguage type QuickAction and the new Actionrapidxxx family of functions allow easy programming.
New skin template for mobiles
The skin template "White & Black" for mobiles comes with version 2024: use it freely to customize your apps!
Modernized graphs
Default's histogram look is updated in version 2024.
An appreciable detail.
Digital signature
In version 2024, electronic signature functionalities (Docusign) are also available on cell phones.
This opens up interesting application possibilities.
See novelties 026 to 033.
OneDrive, GoogleDrive, Dropbox
In version 2024, new families of WLanguage functions enable file manipulation from OneDrive, GoogleDrive and Dropbox..
HFSQL Mobile: spatial data
In version 2024, HFSQL Mobile manages "terrestrial" spatial data (GPS data).
A simple SQL query on an HFSQL database, for example, can be used to find the nearest charging stations (and much more besides!)..
See novelties 187 to 193.
Reminder: the WINDEV editor opens and manipulates WINDEV Mobile projects
To facilitate the development of cross-platform applications, WINDEV can open WINDEV Mobile projects (and WEBDEV projects too)..
This avoids duplicating code and objects and performing unnecessary operations. Objects are shared immediately.
The same project in WINDEV can contain WINDEV, iOS and Android configurations (and even WEBDEV configurations).
Note: a WINDEV Mobile (and/or WEBDEV) license is required.
Screen reader: the Phone reads what's displayed (VoiceOver and TalkBack)
On smartphones and tablets, there is an operating mode designed for visually impaired and blind users.
This mode is called TalkBack on Android and VoiceOver on iOS.
In version 2024, WINDEV Mobile allows you utilize these modes.
By default, each control now includes a generic description. You can customize this description where necessary.
The generic description is by Default the wording or indication text of the edit control.
The custom description is text entered into the application, either via the "7 tabs" or using the new properties ..Accessibility.. description 006e00 , ..Accessibility..Decor , ..Accessibility..OrderReading .
This accessibility mode also lets you interact with the application using special standard gestures:
  • simply press to select and read the contents of the control,
  • double press performs the action,
  • scroll with 2 or 3 fingers,
  • etc
In this accessibility mode, entering an edit control activates the Phone's microphone (automatically or by clicking) to enable the user to dictate text, which is then filled in by voice recognition.
Advanced options
Accessibility mode lets you define a wide range of options.
  • Do not read the contents of control (7 tabs, option " control decor": control content is not read),
  • Program a specific label to be read at runtime,
  • Indicate possible actions on control ; they will be read,
  • Indicate a particular get order,
  • Suppress animation execution.
In addition to the options activated by the 7 tabs or by programming, WINDEV Mobile applications allow you to use the following iOS and Android options .
Android: support for " growth " mode (magnifying glass), switching labels to bold, displaying text with high contrast, color inversion.
On iOS, color filters are supported.
All the common new features for mobile apps
iOS development has never been as powerful as with WINDEV Mobile 2024. You benefit from powerful new features in addition to all those you already have..
iOS evolves, and so does WINDEV Mobile 2024.
WINDEV Mobile 2024 for iOS benefits from:
  • general new features for version 2024.
  • plus new features common to mobiles.
  • plus new features specifically for iOS.
iOS 17, nouvel iPhone 15, Watch series 9
WINDEV Mobile 17 supports both iOS 10 and WatchOS 2024.
All versions of the iPhone 15 and the AppleWatch Series 9 and Ultra 2 are supported.
WLanguage: XML signatures
XML signatures are now available on iOS.
WINDEV Mobile can also be developed in Objective C.
It becomes possible to provide the implementation of the methods to add in the AppDelegate class.
iOS Various
  • WINDEV Mobile applications run on iOS version 15 and higher; iOS 15 is supported from iPhone SE and 6s models and higher.
86 new WLanguage functions for iOS, 31 constants
WLanguage is enriched with 86 new functions for iOS, as well as 31 new constants, 1 new Property and 48 new functions for iOS Widgets (see the list on PCSOFT.FR).
Apple augmented reality headset (Apple vision pro)
WINDEV Mobile 2024 applications run in augmented reality on the Apple Vision Pro headset.
All the common new features for mobile apps
Development for Android has never been as powerful as with WINDEV Mobile 2024.
The amount of powerful features at your disposal keeps growing.
Android evolves, and WINDEV Mobile 2024 also evolves specifically for Android , in particular with the support of Android 14.
WINDEV Mobile 2024 for Android benefits from:
  • general new features for version 2024.
  • plus new features common to mobiles.
  • plus new features specifically for Android .
Android 14 support
The latest version of Android is supported by WINDEV Mobile 2024.
Pixel support 8
The latest version of Android phones, Pixel phones, is supported by WINDEV Mobile 2024.
Creating personal field properties
You can now create your own field properties in an Android application.
Notifications push: topics
Android manages push notifications of the Topics type.
A topic is a specific area of the application: promotion, new products from a specified template, etc..
The application lets you subscribe to the topics of your choice.
When the application editor wishes to send an Notification to applications subscribed to a given topic, he calls the WLanguage function NotifPushSend, specifying the topic concerned.
Notifications are automatically sent by Google to all terminals whose applications have subscribed to this topic..
With this method, there's no need to store and manage tokens for each user.
For more details, see Push notifications.
Groupware utilisateur: authentification par google one tap (google sign in)
ONE TAP is the standardized system on Android for users to authenticate themselves using their Google account..
Version 2024 of User Groupware enables authentication via ONE TAP.
WLanguage: POO: interface support
Under Android , the Interface type (equivalent to abstract classes) is available in WLanguage.
  • The /= and *= operators are now supported.
  • MVP and Android: the MyMappedFile and MyMappedUniqueKey keywords are now supported.
    For more details, see MVP RAD.
  • Ad control: it becomes possible to specify an "ID" by control.
android control center: send push notifications to the Phone
WINDEV Mobile Android Control Center now lets you send push notifications directly to an Phone.
This is very useful in the test phases of an app that captures and analyzes received notifications..
Note that the Notification is sent via the usual route, through Google's servers.
Windows Mobile, Windows CE and Windows Embedded applications are still used in the industrial field.
Applications for Windows Mobile, Windows CE and Windows Embedded can be developed with WINDEV Mobile 26. If you need to use these features, you can access version 2024 from WINDEV Mobile 26.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 2024
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Última modificación: 29/05/2024

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